Abstract Presenter Responsibilities

Responsibilities of Abstract Presenters

  • Presenter will be the contact person for all correspondence about the abstract and will keep co-authors informed about its status.  
  • Presenter's name and email address will be listed with the abstract.
  • Presenter must complete and electronically sign the Disclosure Form on behalf of all the co-authors.  The submission process is not complete until this has been done.  Abstracts received without a properly completed and signed disclosure will not be considered.
  • Presenter accepts responsibility regarding the SABCS No-Show Policy.
  • Presenter accepts responsibility regarding Publication and Embargo Regulations.
  • Presenter accepts responsibility on behalf of all co-authors for Permission to Reproduce Presentation.

Author Disclosure

ACCME Standards for Commercial Support

Presenters or authors of CME must fully comply with the ACCME Standards for Commercial Support of CME as well as the provisions of the federal statutes concerning acceptance of grant funds from industry.  As our faculty, you are required to do the following:

  • Disclose any significant financial interests or relationships that you and your spouse/domestic partner may have within the past 12 months with the commercial supporter(s) of this activity or the manufacturer(s) of any commercial interest that are discussed as part of your presentation.  If you are engaged in promotional presentations on behalf of the supporters of this activity on the same topic of your presentation, you must clearly disclose this information to us so that we may resolve this conflict of interest.
  • Design a presentation that is independent, objective, scientifically rigorous, balanced and free of commercial bias.
  • Assure that scientific studies utilized or referenced in your presentation are from sources acceptable to the scientific and medical community.
  • Be certain that patient care recommendations you suggest are acceptable to the medical community, are based on evidence acceptable to the profession, and do not recommend any unscientific modalities or those not supported by evidenced based sources.
  • Not accept auxiliary funds from the commercial supporters of this activity related to your work as our faculty; please advise us if you are contacted by a commercial interest in this regard.  
  • The Office of Continuing Medical Education will use the information from your financial disclosure form to (1) determine if a conflict exists, (2) resolve the conflict by initiating a peer review process or advise you of other methods of resolving these conflicts, and (3) make this information transparent to learners.  Please note that these rules require all CME providers to disqualify planners or presenters who do not comply or report a conflict that is irresolvable. 
  • Each speaker/author must complete a Disclosure Form online during the abstract submission process. In addition, all persons who indicate the existence of such relationships will be asked to agree in writing that these relationships will not bias or otherwise influence their involvement in the program. The form must reflect the conflicts of interests of all authors, but need only be signed by the lead author.
  • Electronic signature is required online.

Publication & Embargo Regulations

Violation of the following policies will result in the withdrawal of the involved abstract from any 2017 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium presentation:

  1. By submitting an abstract for the 2017 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, the presenter verifies that the abstract's contents and its conclusions have not been and will not be published or presented at any large international or national meeting prior to the SABCS program.
  2. All authors must comply with the Symposium embargo policy, which states that no author is to provide information regarding the abstract or related research to be presented during the Symposium to the media or public prior to the scheduled time of presentation at the 2017 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.  Poster presentations in the Ongoing Clinical Trials category are not subject to SABCS pre-publication and embargo policies.

No Show Policy

Please notify the Symposium office as early as possible if your presentation will not be made, and reference your assigned program number. If a scheduled presenter fails to appear in person or to send a replacement, and does not cancel the poster or slide presentation before the meeting, that presenter will be barred from having an abstract accepted in the SABCS for three years.  Notification must be sent in written form via e-mail (sabcs@uthscsa.edu) or fax (210-450-1560).

Permission to Reproduce Presentation

All accepted abstracts, other than those that are withdrawn prior to publication and any that may have been accepted as a special late exception, will be published in the Symposium's online abstract book, as well as in SABCS On Demand on the SABCS website.  In addition, the 2017 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium currently contracts with other parties to record and transcribe oral presentations for online slide review and streaming webcast on the SABCS website.  Poster presentations are also posted on the SABCS website. All of these resources are made available to the user at no charge.

The cost of such reproduction and publication may be funded by educational grants from medical industry in accordance with ACCME guidelines.

This “Permission to Reproduce Presentation” applies to the presentation regardless of its form. All recordings and reproductions shall be made only with appropriate acknowledgement of the Presenter as the author, and only with reference to presentation at SABCS. No portion of the Presentation shall be extracted for reproduction or publication by itself, unless specifically offered by the Presenter as a summary, overview, or abstract.

To opt out of such reproductions please notify the SABCS office at sabcs@uthscsa.edu.  You agree to give your permission to reproduce your presentation unless you take the actions outlined here.

Copyright Transfer

As the Submitting Author for the abstract and on behalf of all the authors, you transfer copyrights of the abstract to the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS), in the event that this abstract is published in the online Symposium proceedings (Supplement to Cancer Research).  With this transfer, the authors relinquish all exclusive rights to copyright ownership of the abstract, including without limitation all rights of reproduction, derivation, distribution, sale, and display of the work, in whole or in part, in any and all forms of media now or hereafter known.  SABCS, as copyright owners, has sole authority to grant permission to reproduce the Abstract.

Author Permissions

Authors of abstracts published in the SABCS online Symposium proceedings (Supplement to Cancer Research) are permitted to use their abstracts in the following ways without requesting permission from the SABCS.  All such uses must include appropriate attribution to the Cancer Research supplement issue in which the abstracts are published.  Authors may:

  • Reproduce the abstract, including tables, in books, reviews, or subsequent research articles they write;
  • Use the abstract in presentations;
  • Post a link to the online version of the abstract on their institutional website, if this is required by their institution;
  • Submit a copy of their article to their university in support of a doctoral thesis.

For questions about abstract submission, contact CTI Meeting Technology by phone 217-398-1792 or by email c4asupport@ctimeetingtech.com.

SABCS® Cancer Research Supplements:

To view the 2022 SABCS® Cancer Research supplement, please click here.

To veiw the 2023 SABCS® Cancer Research supplement, please click here.