Symposium Information

What is the target audience for the Symposium?

This Symposium is designed to provide state-of-the-art information on the experimental biology, etiology, prevention, diagnosis, and therapy of breast cancer and premalignant disease to an international audience of academic and private physicians and researchers. The Symposium provides a forum for interaction, communication, and education for a broad spectrum of researchers, health professionals, patient advocates, and others with a special interest in breast cancer.

Program Schedule

When can I view the full daily schedule?

The Preliminary Program is now available. 

What are the future dates of the Symposia?

Future Dates are as follows:

  • December 10-13, 2024
  • December 9-12, 2025


Early Attendee Registration will open July 16, 2024. Please continue to monitor the sabcs.org website for future updates. 

Abstract Submission

The Abstract Submission site for the 2024 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium® is now closed

What are the key abstract dates and deadlines?

  • May 1, 2024: Abstract Submission Opens

What is the size limit for an abstract?

  • The size limit (including title and body) is 3,400 characters; this does not include spaces.

How many abstracts can an author submit?

  • There is no limit to the number of abstracts an author can submit.

How many authors can be listed on an abstract?

  • There is a maximum of 50 authors allowed per abstract.

How many abstracts can an author present?

  • Authors are limited to one oral presentation at SABCS®. Authors may present more than one poster.

Do late-breaking abstracts require a place-holder submission?

  • No, a placeholder abstract for late-breaking abstracts is not required during the general Call for Abstracts. Late-breaking abstracts may be submitted starting September 1, 2024.

Housing Instructions

Who is the official housing provider for SABCS®?

Orchid Events is the official housing provider for the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium®.

When does housing open for SABCS®?

Housing is now open as of, May 6, 2024.

Food & Beverage

Does the Symposium provide food to attendees?

Onsite attendees will receive continental breakfast and beverages, free of charge.

Media Section

What are SABCS® Media policies?

Policies and procedures for Media attending SABCS® are available here.

How can I join SABCS® Media mailing list for press releases?

To be added to the SABCS® Media mailing list, please contact Julia Gunther: 770-403-7690, julia.gunther@aacr.org

Abstracts Online

 When can I view abstracts, posters, and slides from this year's San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium®?

Attendees will be able to view online, searchable versions from this year's SABCS® abstracts, slides and posters during the symposium if permission from the author has been received. Registrants will receive their login and password with their credentials. Those not attending SABCS® will be able to view online, searchable versions from this year's SABCS® abstracts, slides and posters.

About SABCS®

I attended the a past symposium and didn't receive my certificate. Who do I contact regarding Continuing Education?

Please contact the Office of Continuing Medical Education at cme@uthscsa.edu or 210-567-4491. 

Does SABCS® offer Continuing Education Credits?

The UT Health Science Center San Antonio is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing education for physicians.


Is financial assistance available to Patient Advocates to attend SABCS®?

Alamo Breast Cancer Foundation provides scholarships for eligible breast cancer advocates to attend the annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium®, and take part in Mentor Sessions.

Is financial assistance available to early-career scientists to attend SABCS®?

Yes, there are several opportunities available for financial assistance in the form of scholarships. The purpose of these scholarships is to promote the education and professional development of early-career scientists who are actively pursuing research in breast cancer by encouraging and facilitating their attendance at the 2024 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium®. Scholarships will be awarded to graduate students, medical students, postdoctoral fellows, and physicians-in-training whose abstracts are accepted for presentation at the 2024 SABCS®, based upon the quality of their abstracts.

Recipients of these scholarships will be identified in the SABCS® program, both print and online, and also at the meeting.

Scholarship application is part of the Abstract Submission process. Further information is available on the 2024 Overview page on our website at www.sabcs.org.

Website Information regarding the 2024 ABCF Advocate Program can be found at: www.alamobreastcancer.org

E-Mail: info@alamobreastcancer.org for information.

Mailing Address:

Alamo Breast Cancer Foundation
PO Box 780067
San Antonio TX 78278

All applications for financial assistance must be submitted by July 10, 2024, 10:00 p.m.

Travel & Transportation

How can I book travel to the Symposium?

For travel and transportation information, please click here.